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Vegetarian Pierogy Enchiladas

Vegetarian Pierogy Enchiladas

I’ve been stuck in cooking rut recently and kept making the same things - salads, grain bowls, etc. So I was excited when Mrs. T’s Pierogies reached out asking me to create a recipe in honor of National Pierogy Day on October 8th. If you don’t know what a pierogy is, you’re missing out! Pierogies are Polish pasta pockets often filled with whipped potatoes or other savory fillings. They can either be boiled, baked, or pan-fried depending on the texture you’re looking for. That being said, pierogies are pretty versatile so this was my chance to be creative and finally cook (and eat) something different at home!


My friend recently made roasted zucchini enchiladas and I loved them so much that I decided to put my own pierogy twist on them. Since pierogies are a little too small to roll like a tortilla, I made my enchiladas open-faced (which also saves you the trouble from having to roll each enchilada). This recipe is fairly simple, vegetarian (since I don’t eat meat), and makes a great one dish dinner!

Ingredients (makes 5-6 servings):



  • 1 box Mrs. T’s Pierogies in flavor of choice (I used Classic Onion)

  • 1 zucchini, diced

  • 1/2 small red onion, diced

  • 1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained

  • 4 oz. soft goat cheese

  • 10 oz. red enchilada sauce

Toppings for serving

  • 2 avocados, sliced

  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, quartered

  • 1 bunch cilantro or scallions, chopped

  • 2 oz. cotija cheese (optional)

  • 1 lime


  1. Preheat over to 400 degrees.

  2. Boil pierogies for 5 minutes as package directs. Drain.

  3. Combine zucchini, onions, black beans, and goat cheese in bowl and gently mix.

  4. Pour enchilada sauce into 8x12 oven-proof dish.

  5. Overlap 3 lines of 4 pierogies in dish.

  6. Top each line of pierogies with goat cheese mixture.

  7. Place in oven and bake for 25 minutes or until zucchinis are roasted and top is just crisp.

  8. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before plating.

  9. Top each serving with avocado, tomatoes, cilantro or scallions, cotija cheese (if you want it extra cheesy), and a squeeze of lime.

  10. Enjoy!

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